Cornwall Folklore Tapes Vo.I - Mother Ivy's Bay
Artist: The Funz
Title: Mother Ivy's Bay
Format: Aqua Blue Cassette
- Housed in wrap around manilla card case
- Printed cover with pressed 'Cornish' seaweed
- A3 fold out research notes
- D/L code
Mother Ivey, a black witch, a white witch. Mother Ivey, a fair lady with hair patterned like dulce, an outspoken community Elder. Mother ivey, a healer, a local talisman, a circumambient spirit, a mad wanton maiden who lured the young men from surrounding villages with her ethereal salt-stung beauty, with her sea spells and siren songs. A teacher of children, a noctambulist beachcomber, a herbalist, a proto feminist, a botanist, an unorthodox village Cryer, only living repository of local lore dating back to the Dunonian tribes, a historian, an enchantress. The only thing one can fathom for a mild certainty is that at some point many centuries ago local oral legend has it that she threw a curse upon a field owned by the Lord of the Manor at fishcellars cove and that his Eldest son died as a result, falling from his horse. Children's stories from local schools and a handful of newspaper articles detailing other fatal mishaps involving male trespassers onto the field dating as late as the 1990s , including an attenpted exorcism of the field , are as much written lore a casual investigator may find. To delve deeper into these matters the decision was taken not to enter the field, which to this day lies fallow, forlorn, brooding, fenced off adjacent to the coastal path just north of Mother iveys bay. ' the funz' visited the environs of this site a total of 3 times, in the wind torn spring of 2021, using various sonic apparatus including wind dulcimers , rudimentary sea-spells, corroded battery amplifiers, found tunings, applied coaches, ringing rocks, field recordings and left-overnight 6 strings.when the resulting capture was collaged from tape dictaphone to digital format severe corrosion occurred sometime during transit. Certain phrases of spell were repeated ad infinitum, some regions of the tape occluded, as it were, and some were lost to.the winds. After a hiatus of a year, with genuine fear that the curse had somehow found its way into the recordings and thus imperilled both maker and listener and after lengthy discussion into the mysterious spaces between the analogue and the digital realms, and also by the brave application of firm logic on behalf of the producer, the decision was made to release the material, which contains all stories pertaining to Mother Ivey simultaneously. On the final day of recording a white rook with brown wings flew overhead, a short distance from the bay.